Research Paper (5-7 pages) For this research paper, you will select one border i


Research Paper
(5-7 pages)
For this research paper, you will select one border issue and explore it more in depth. The issue does not have to be local; however, it should pertain to the US/Mexico Border. This is an informative paper, so you will not argue for one side but rather look at multiple perspectives on the issue.  Please make sure that the topic is significant to the border area and its people.  Some ideas for topics include the  following:
Drug Smuggling
Femicide in Juarez 
Border security
Migrant Caravans
International Bridges
Migration to the border
Border wall
Border Patrol
Title 42
In your research paper, you should address the following:
The history of the issue including important background information
Evolution of the issue – how has it evolved/changed throughout the years?
Who is impacted by the issue?
How does this issue affect the people of the border and the border area (economy, population, resources, businesses, education, etc.)
What is the local government’s perspective on the issue?  How has the city and local government dealt with the issue?
What is the federal government’s perspective on the issue?  Historically, how has the federal government responded to the issue?
Future of the issue – Do you think the issue will be resolved?  Why or why not?  What consequences (positive and negative) can arise because of this issue?
Why is this issue important to the border area?
The paper will require 5 outside sources.  Only one of these sources can be a website.  Online newspapers, magazines, and journals count as online periodicals not websites. Sources should be cited in APA style.  These sources will also be compiled into an Annotated Bibliography which will be due prior to the Research Paper.


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