Students will write an essay paper that compares AND contrasts (similarities and


Students will write an essay paper that compares AND contrasts (similarities and differences) 2 theoretical approaches and their applicability to the group process. The paper is 100 points and is 15% of your overall grade. This paper requires the following:
APA Title Page (10 pts)
3 section headings in the body (10 pts)
APA formatted reference page (10 pts)
2-3 pages in length NOT counting the title and reference page (10 pts)
In-text citations of ALL references included on the reference page of the paper (10 pts)
At least 3 references outside of your textbook (MUST be peer-reviewed journal articles and NOT obscure websites) (10 pts)
The paper content is to clearly identify and discuss the following elements:
a) a brief description of the two theories you choose (10 pts)
b) a discussion of BOTH similarities and differences between the two theories (10 pts)
c) a section about which type of group you believe your theories would apply to and WHY (10 pts)
d) a discussion about how personal values impact the use of each theory when put into practice (10 pts)
These required elements are worth 10 points each for a total of 100 points possible on the paper.


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