Discussions Forum 3: The work of managers and the role analytics plays 2-weeks d


Discussions Forum 3: The work of managers and the role analytics plays
2-weeks d

Discussions Forum 3: The work of managers and the role analytics plays
2-weeks discussion
Due Date:  There are two deadlines.
First Deadline, week13: Saturday April. 27th.
Post your essay to discussion forum2.
Review other classmates’ views.
Second Deadline, Week14:  Saturday May. 4th.
Review other classmates’ views.
Comment on the most recent (latest) post of other classmate to engage in a meaningful debate regarding his/her view.
Respond to other classmates who commented on your post.
To identify the role analytics plays in the managers’ work.
Discussion Statement and Tasks
Search the Internet for material regarding the work of managers and the role analytics plays. What kinds of references to consulting firms, academic departments and programs do you find? What major areas are represented? Select three sites that cover one area and report your findings. Summarize your findings in an essay (no less than 200 words) with the exact sources and post it to discussion3.
Discussion Reading Requirements
Future Trends, Privacy and Managerial Considerations in Analytics
What should you post on the discussion forum?
An essay that identifies the role analytics plays in the managers’ work.
The essay should be no less than 200 words in addition to the references of your findings.
Comment on at least one of your classmates’ views.   
Discussion Requirements
Individual posting should provide substantial responses, and comments that advance the learning process for students in the course. A student also should comment on at least one of your classmates’ view but not in the nature of “I agree” or “I disagree”. The responses should be elaborated to make them substantive; otherwise they do not count towards participation in the forum discussion. Each posting should be referenced if it includes information from other resources than the textbook. The individual posting should be titled by the “Student Name followed by the “_Subject of the discussion”.
Self-Assessment Checklist
I identified one application for each of the DSS, BI, and analytics.
I summarized my thoughts in an essay (no less than 200 words) and posted it to discussion forum2.
I responded to at least to one of the classmates’ views to engage in a meaningful debate regarding their choices or to defend my choices.


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