The minimum number of pages for this submission: 3 pages plus cover and Referenc


The minimum number of pages for this submission: 3 pages plus cover and References page.  
The evidence must demonstrate use of two in text citations(In APA format).
Please choose ONE topic from the following topics:  
1. Digital divide (bridging the technological gap) 
2. Elections
3. Elderly care
4. Water scarcity
5. Poverty
You will be creating a proposal argument (see p.144 of the textbook for more info).  
This report may be about a specific problem or about broader, more general public policy issues.
Step 1.  The Proposal needs to define the problem.  How we define the problem affects what we will think about the causes of the problem.
Clearly state the problem, causes, and explain the problem (two paragraphs—one page)
Step 2.  Identify two solutions to the problem that are specific strategies for solving the problem. The strategies must be researched on the web and on the databases.  
1. What reasons and evidence are given to support the solutions?  
2. Does the reasoning seem logical?  
3. Is the data relevant?  
4. You must research and provide intext citations to support each solution. 
5. Does the writer address the feasibility of the proposed solutions? 
6. What are they?
7. Does the writer make a convincing case for the realistic possibility of achieving the proposed solutions?
8. What are they?
Step 3:  Identify a counter argument. Why would someone NOT agree with the solutions? ( one paragraph )
Step 4.  Create a conclusion to summarize your report.  Include a “call to action” (one paragraph)
Step 5:   Create a Reference page called References


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