Unit Title Business Start-up: Conception to Market Task 3 of 3 Unit Learning Out


Unit Title Business Start-up: Conception to Market Task 3 of 3 Unit Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria LO 3 Know the fundamental requirements for staring a new business. 3.2 Assignment Brief and Guidance Once you have determined that the objective of your business plan can be achieved, you need to prepare a presentation to gain support from stakeholders. To help ensure your presentation is as effective as possible, your mentor wants you to rehearse your delivery before presenting to the different stakeholders. You will deliver your presentation to your mentor who will act as a critical friend and provide constructive feedback. There are a variety of web sites giving advice on how to present and pitch a business plan and these can be accessed through any typical search engine. Delivery and Submission The submission is in the form of a 10 minute presentation equivalent to 500 words and must be in a recognised presentation format. Enhance your presentation with visual aids if you wish to 


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