Essay (2,000 words) – 50% You are required to produce an essay on “Operations Ma


Essay (2,000 words) – 50%
You are required to produce an essay on “Operations Management in Tourism: Strategy, Design, and Experience” through the use of a variety of research materials.
The essay must include:
1. Introduction (150 words):
• Outline the aims and objectives of this essay.
• Briefly explain the concept and importance of operations management within a tourism context.
2. Section 1 (500 words): The Interplay of Operations Management and Tourism
• Discuss, with examples, how supporting functions interact with operations management within a tourism context.
• Highlight how servitisation is revolutionising tourist offerings and experiences. Give real-world examples from the tourism industry.
3. Section 2 (600 words): Strategic Alignments in Tourism
• Explore the synchronisation between operations strategy and overarching business strategy within tourism ventures.
• Address the trade-offs in performance at the operational levels, citing real-world examples from the tourism industry.
4. Section 3 (600 words): Designing Tourist Experiences
• Discuss, with examples, how standardisation can streamline and enhance tourist experiences.
• Discuss how process mapping can help in personalising customer experience and triggering positive emotions within tourists.
5. Conclusion (150 words):
• Summarise the topic of the essay and add a conclusion.
• Include your recommendations, if any.


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