Step 1- Your task is to do initial analysis on your data in Tableau. Create some


Step 1- Your task is to do initial analysis on your data in Tableau. Create some visuals, considering how you might tell a story with this data. Create at least four visualizations. Only one may be a table. Create a draft dashboard with these visuals.
Submit three things:
A pdf file of your draft dashboard
A one page write-up (use Word) explaining how you your dashboard tells a story
The link to your Tableau Public dashboard
Use the data from the wine quality.
Step 2- Consider adding some more advanced features.  You will be telling a story with your dashboard in Tableau, just as if you were presenting information to stakeholders or an audience.
Create a PowerPoint presentation. It should include:
Introduction: Introduce the data you are using and the purpose of your dashboard
Methodology: What methods did you use to analyze the data being presented?
Key findings: What do you want the audience to know? What are the major takeaways from your visuals?
Presentation: Screen recording a demonstration of your dashboard and your data story
Link to Dashboard: provide the Tableau Public link to your final dashboard
Use the data from the wine quality for both of these steps. FOllow the criteria rubric from step 2 only.


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