This one page and two powerpoint slides will be insterted into a larger project.


This one page and two powerpoint slides will be insterted into a larger project.
Two power point slides must have a white background and speaker notes.
Power point slides must reflect information from the paper written. 
Paper written will be a continuation of paper that is attached to this order.
This paper must be written about what reccomendations you (acting as a consulting firm) have for Amazon regarding their current motivational techniques they use to motivate their employees and what reccomendations you may have regarding their current communication practices. 
Next please discuss if you were to share this information with Amazon how do you think they would react?
Please add what sources you used at the bottom of paper.
Please read attached document because it has information written about some of Amazon’s current motivational techniques and communication practices. I would like the paper written to somewhat align with this paper and be a continuation. 


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