I am attaching the feedback from my professor, my data collection and capstone.


I am attaching the feedback from my professor, my data collection and capstone. You are responsible to redoing the Research Method
Makayla, After reviewing your second submission, I have the following feedback to share with you: 1. Research Methodology Section: The information you provided in this section is extremely general/broad and does not speak to your research study and does not clearly identify and describe your instruments. So, please answer the following questions in your Research Methodology section: -What instrument are you using to collect quantitative data? -What does your quantitative data instrument look like? Describe it. -What instrument are you using to qualitative data? -What does your qualitative data look like? Describe it. 2. Research Proposal from ED 500: In my previous feedback on June 13th, I asked for a copy of your ED 500 Educational Research Proposal. At this time, I do not see it attached to this assignment. If I have overlooked it, please let me know where you have submitted it. Once I receive your 2nd revised Research Methodology section and a copy of your ED 500 Research Proposal, I will review your work and update your grade.


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