I have done some part of my ppt work but you should check all the content accord


I have done some part of my ppt work but you should check all the content according to my master thesis report. I need the animated version for the each slide particularly for the NMR slide. I don’t have idea for my introduction part so try to focus more on it. Be revalent to my report. Don’t make any detailed explanation if any explanation is needed give as short points in one or two lines. Don’t change the first slide template in the top with my university icon but you can change for remaining slides. I need the animated version. If you do the some structure in chemdraw it will be better. I have done some structure in chem draw but if you can do creative things with chem draw also you can add that. Don’t explain the annexes part. I have given all the details in the ppt you should put something to my introduction slide and do some animations alone. 


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