Use the concepts you have learned so far to complete the given project. You will


Use the concepts you have learned so far to complete the given project.
You will download and extract a .zip file containing: a Visual Studio solution, project, and code, and then you will write code to satisfy the // TODO: comments provided throughout the code. You will compile, run, and test your program to your satisfaction, and when you are finished, you will submit your final solution folder .zipped up.
Please download and extract the .zip file containing the Visual Studio solution, project and code, and then you will write code to satisfy the //TODO: comments provided throughout the code.
You will compile, run, and test your program to your satisfaction.
When you are finished you will submit your final solution folder .zipped up.
You cannot use any code previously written, whether from lab, or personal projects
You cannot use code from the internet. You must write new code specific for this practical
First, look at the top of all .cpp files provided to you, especially PracticalHighScoreTable.cpp, to find a general explanation of the program and perhaps a plan of attack. Next, you will see that some, if not all, of the .cpp files provided to you contain // TODO: comments embedded throughout the file. These correspond to tasks that you are
expected to complete.
You can see a list of all // TODO: comments in a particular file by bringing up your Task List in Visual Studio (View menu -> Other Windows -> Task List). Double clicking a specific TODO: comment in the Task List will take you to the exact line of the corresponding code file. When you complete a // TODO: task, you can remove it from this list by deleting the “TODO:” part of the comment. However, please do not delete the entire comment text, as we use it as a placeholder to find the code you have written.


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