Reflect on current perspectives on crisis intervention and trauma treatment. Ref


Reflect on current perspectives on crisis intervention and trauma treatment. Reflect on the contributions made by at least two (2) of the following: Somatic Experiencing therapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, 
Internal Family Systems, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.  The paper should incorporate 
the following: a) summarization of 5 peer reviewed articles, podcasts, or books on the above approaches 
b) summarization of the foundations of the selected approaches c) discussion of the ways these approaches 
differ from traditional talk therapies in the treatment of trauma and crisis d) discussion of how you might 
integrate some of these approaches into your current internship placement/work with clients. What are some of the reasons leading researchers and practitioners to look to the physical body as a source of information in 
the study of trauma?


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