B.  Interview (suggested length 30 minutes) onecurrent K-12 teacher. Be sure tha


B.  Interview (suggested length 30 minutes) onecurrent K-12 teacher. Be sure that your interview questions allow you to answer the prompts below.
1.  Submit a completed and signed “Interview Verification Form.”
Note: The attached “Suggested Interview Questions” may be used to help structure your interview.
C.  Reflect on your interview by doing the following:
1.  Description: Summarize the teacher’s views on the given topics:
•  application of content standards used in your state
•  internal and external influences that impact education at your school or district
•  teacher identity and view of self (i.e., Hattie’s mindframes)
•  ways teachers can continue to grow in their teaching practice or professional development
2.  Feelings: Describe your feelings about the interview, including:
•  how you felt before the interview
•  how you felt during the interview
•  how you think the teacher felt about the interview
3.  Evaluation:
a.  Describe how the interview did or did not align to what you had expected.
b.  Describe something that went well during the interview.
c.  Describe something that you would do differently, based on your experience in the interview.
4.  Analysis: Explain why you agree or disagree with the teacher’s views on the given topics:
•  application of content standards used in your state
•  internal and external influences that impact education at your school or district
•  teacher identity and view of self (i.e., Hattie’s mindframes)
•  ways teachers can continue to grow in their teaching practice or professional development
5.  Conclusion:
a.  Summarize what you learned from the interview.
i.  Explain how what you learned from the interview has influenced your understanding of the role of a teacher.
b.  If you were to conduct the interview again, describe what you would do differently to improve the interview experience.
6.  Action:
a.  Explain how one of Hattie’s mindframes supports teacher success.
b.  Describe a personal strength and weakness related to the Hattie’s mindframe explained in part C6a.
c. Create a SMART goal you can work on that will support your development into a teacher.
i.  Identify a professional development opportunity (i.e. workshop, training, or experience) available to you online or in your community that aligns with your SMART goal.


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