Read the “McDonald’s and Obesity” case posted above and answer the following que


Read the “McDonald’s and Obesity” case posted above and answer the following questions based on your understanding of the case. Make sure that your answers are detailed and reflect an in-depth analysis of the case. Write your report in a separate file (MS Word format) and upload it to BlackBoard via the link on the assignment page.  
The assignment is worth a total of 50 points. The following rubric will be used for grading the assignment:
Detailed coverage of issues:  20 points (40%)
Logical support for answers:  20 points (40%)
Spelling and grammar:      10 points (20%)
The suggested length of the case analysis is 2-3 pages typed in double space. There will be no penalty for exceeding the length if you have more information to offer. Please answer the questions in reasonable depth.
1. How should McDonald’s respond when ads promoting healthy lifestyles featuring Ronald McDonald are equated with Joe Camel and cigarette ads? Should McDonald’s eliminate Ronald McDonald in its ads?
2. Critically discuss the merits of the law proposed by France that would require fast-food companies either to add a health message to commercials or pay a 1.5 percent tax on their ad budgets. Propose a strategy for McDonald’s to pay the tax or add health messages, and defend your recommendation.
3. The broad issue facing McDonald’s U.K. is the current attitude toward rising obesity. Critically evaluate McDonald’s responses to the flak it has drawn in the U.K. market on this issue.


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