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WRITE MY ESSAY… ://… ://……… Philosophy and love, did you think that this is a topic that philosophers thought about? Which of the philosophers in our reading do you agree with most regarding love? Explain why. Thinking about the Everyday Ethics podcasts, do you agree with their arguments regarding Valentine’s Day and marriage proposals? Is it time to make a change to those traditions? Can you find any part of those traditions that is unethical? Explain how some component of Valentine’s Day or marriage proposals might be unethical. Explain using one of the ethical theories you have learned in the course. For your blog you need to include at least two inline citations that show me you used course materials to get full credit for the assignment. This is your space to really ask me questions, discuss worries, bring up new ideas, tell me if you see a problem with the course and/or your peer groups. This is an incomplete/complete assignment, you just need to answer the questions and you will get credit. You can complete this assignment in a variety of ways. You can write this out. You can give a voice recording. You can make a video. Whatever way you are most comfortable with and what helps you get through the assignment easiest.


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