Length: 1200-1700 words (1200 minimum to receive higher than a D) Number of Sour


Length: 1200-1700 words (1200 minimum to receive higher than a D)
Number of Sour

Length: 1200-1700 words (1200 minimum to receive higher than a D)
Number of Sources: 4-8 academically credible (you can and should re-use sources from past essays that were strong on the outline, draft and final version of the essay)
Intro and Directions: 
As The Structure of Argument explains, Carl Rogers believes that “effective communication requires both understanding another’s reality and respecting it” (Rottenberg 21). This means moving beyond polarized thinking. This will require you to consider arguments differently than you have so far this semester.
So far you have inquired into an issue, and you have focused on convincing your reader of something. Now, you will use both of these skills to neutrally explain both sides of the issue, find common ground, defuse hostilities, and make a good case for a new reasonable course of action.  
Using the topic you have been analyzing this semester, create a mediation essay in which you see the value of each side working towards a resolution or answer that shows that value. Instead of arguing to win, you are arguing to resolve. 
Your audience consists of readers who are tired of reading extreme pro / con arguments and want to hear your reasonable resolution of the dispute.
Checklist for your completed essay:
The essay’s introduction includes context about the issue and concludes with a clear thesis statement.
The essay uses the appeals well to reveal a reasonable and thoughtful resolution to a conflict.
In addition, each supporting paragraph is developed sufficiently with appropriate evidence, reasoning, and detail.
Transitions are used effectively to connect ideas within and between paragraphs.
Grammatical and punctuation errors do not impede or distract the reader from understanding the writer’s intentions.
There are no errors in accordance with MLA style.


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