Role & Responsibility of the Nurse Assignment Instructions  1. Explore the role


Role & Responsibility of the Nurse Assignment Instructions 
1. Explore the role and responsibility of the baccalaureate nurse in caring for vulnerable children. 
-Considering the concepts of professionalism, leadership, communication, compassionate care, empathy, advocacy, diversity, equity and inclusivity, choose three (3) concepts to reflect upon for this assignment. 
-Examine the nurses’ responsibility with reporting suspected cases of neglect, abuse, and/or maltreatment. Visit your states department of health and welfare website (I live in CALIFORNIA) to gain a better understanding of reporting neglect, abuse or abandonment. 
2. Upload the completed assignment in Microsoft Word document to include: 
-Use 7th edition APA format (see example of student paper in APA manual p. 32) 
-Title page (include page number) 1-2 pages of content 
– at least one source cited/quoted in text -Reference page
– at least one source referenced. 
-Helpful Reminders 
• Current and relevant scholarly articles are essential in supporting scholarly writing. Thus, articles utilized in writing should be published within the last five years.


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