1. Using the data in the attached file create a linear regression model and thor


1. Using the data in the attached file create a linear regression model and thor

1. Using the data in the attached file create a linear regression model and thoroughly explain the results of the output of the regression. Make sure your model includes only the relevant variables. To demonstrate how your model works, make a prediction where you select the independent as the mean of each independent variable in the data. 
2. Using the same data, compute a quadratic regression model. Similarly as above, thoroughly explain the results, and only include the relevant variables. Compute a prediction using the same input as in 1. 
3. Which model should be used, the one from 1. or the one from 2? Why?
Turn in a word document that includes 1 .2.and 3. 
Extra credit (up to 40%)
Compute the regression output using R. No need to create another report in Word. 


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