OVERVIEW After reading the assigned textbook readings, proceed to the website en


After reading the assigned textbook readings, proceed to the website en

After reading the assigned textbook readings, proceed to the website entitled Subaru: “Mr. Survey” Monitors Customer Satisfaction and read the 4 articles available in the Learn section. After viewing the video found at this website and reading the articles, create a Word document and address the following exercises.
This is an MBA graduate course, so submit the requisite amount of theory and analysis/discussion for each question. Cursory, short answers are not acceptable. Provide the necessary scholarly attention to these questions.
1. Design ordinal, interval, and ratio scales for measuring consumer preferences for various automobile brands.
2. Provide ordinal, interval, and ratio scale survey questions for measuring consumer preferences for Subaru.
3. Design at least 2 survey questions that could be analyzed using SPSS to measure consumers’ current evaluation of the Subaru brand. Research is very important in successfully completing this task.
4. Design at least 2 survey questions that could be analyzed using SPSS to measure how consumers evaluate Subaru’s competition. Research is very important in successfully completing this task.


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