From the exercise of chapter 4:  *****Exercise 4 Attached****** Scout out some p


From the exercise of chapter 4:  *****Exercise 4 Attached******
Scout out some p

From the exercise of chapter 4:  *****Exercise 4 Attached******
Scout out some public data visualizations (such as in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times) and look for different ways that people show comparison to a benchmark—sometimes it’s a dashed line, sometimes it’s one consistent brand color, and sometimes it’s a simple x on the graph. Find three different ways others have shown comparisons to a target or benchmark.
If you tried to add the benchmark line to the spark-line in that last example, you probably noticed that you can’t format the benchmark line to make it a different color. Or so you think! This is where code comes in handy, as discussed in Chapter 3. Grab code (with gratitude) from this site at and test out different colors!
Believe it or not, some pretty amazing people have developed plug-ins for Excel that make bullet chart development a relative breeze. Some are free and some cost a bit. Search “bullet chart Excel plug in” to find them. But be a little careful. My plug-in worked fine in Excel 2010 but didn’t work at all when I upgraded to Excel 2013. They can break. They won’t operate for someone else who gets your file with your lovely bullet graphs. For those reasons, I prefer to rely on what Excel contains on its own. Even so, it’s worth it to take a look around at the plug-ins available. Pick one and plug it into Excel. Make a bullet graph and then see if you can reverse-engineer it. Try to explain how the plug-in is maximizing different parts of Excel to craft the graph. Submit all required documentation


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