Based on theoretical perspectives from the course and the co-construction of kno


Based on theoretical perspectives from the course and the co-construction of kno

Based on theoretical perspectives from the course and the co-construction of knowledge throughout the semester, students will create a product (guidebook/’zine/video/infographic/website/Tumblr/Canva/children’s book), or other creative outlet) that focuses on their newfound understandings, discoveries, and critical reflections around the teaching of bi/multilingual students for the elementary classroom. This product should be something that demonstrates students’ grasp of historical perspectives in the education of multilingual students, their emerging understanding of the realities and identities of these students, and ways they imagine engaging with them in their future classrooms. 
We imagine this product as something that demonstrates students’ growth and development alongside their radical imagination of what their future classroom with bi/multilingual students could look like, sound like, and feel like based on these newfound understandings, discoveries, and critical reflections that have emerged during the course. It is our hope that this product accompanies students’ journey through the teacher education program and is a product that could be looked back upon and also be revised and reimagined as students gain more perspectives in future semesters. 
Feel free to make this more specific to your trajectory as a future ESL, special education, early childhood, and bilingual education teacher. You are more than welcome to use tools and ideas you are gaining from other courses (we encourage these connections), but you cannot submit an assignment from another course.
In addition to the product you should include a 1-page summary that describes: concepts/ideas from the course materials, the integration of centering practices #1, #2, and #3 & core commitments.


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