“To be or not to be.”  That is the great question in English theater, a showcase


“To be or not to be.”  That is the great question in English theater, a showcase

“To be or not to be.”  That is the great question in English theater, a showcase for actors and directors each wanting to put their own stamp on this greatest of roles.  What is it about?  Is the speech itself a piece of theater, played for the benefit of watchers imagining themselves unseen?  How does it link with the earlier (we think) Sonnet 66?  How outraged are you that Polonius would dare to eavesdrop on a private, and quite intimate conversation, between mother and son?  Does he get what he deserves?  Does he deserve what he gets?  Would it have been worse if it had been the king behind the arras?  What else are you moved to write about in your journal from this Act? 
1000 words minimum. 


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