Evaluation criteria: Assessment is based on the goal to strengthen students’ pre


Evaluation criteria: Assessment is based on the goal to strengthen students’ pre

Evaluation criteria: Assessment is based on the goal to strengthen students’ presentation and writing skills; students
will be evaluated on the basis of the analytical depth, capacity to appraise phenomenons and
opinions critically, and conceptual clarity they will display.
My topic for the paper is: Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbacev: who was he and why did he go for reform? 
This paper explores the figure of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, analyzing his life, political career, and the reasons that led him to undertake a series of radical reforms in the Soviet Union. The goal is to understand the historical, political, and personal context that influenced his decisions, as well as the impact of his policies on the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. 
Some examples of resources: – R.G. Suny, The Soviet experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the successor states, 2011, New York;
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
– R. Service, The Penguin history of modern Russia: From Tsarism to the twenty-first century, 2020,
London: Penguin Books.
R.G. Sony (ed.), Cambridge History of Russia: Vol. 3: The Twentieth Century
S.A. Smith (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism
R.V. Daniels (ed.), A Documentary History of Communism: Vol. 1: Communism in Russia
R.V. Daniels (ed.), A Documentary History of Communism: Vol. 2: Communism and the World
Wilson Centre Digital Archive, https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/
B Y U E u r o – D o c s , https://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/
– JSTOR Articles
– https://archive.org/details/fromstalinismtop00gale
– https://archive.org/details/documentaryhisto0000unse_r2e7
– https://www.marxists.org/english.htm
– https://www.levada.ru/en/
– https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/home
– https://findingaids.princeton.edu/catalog/MC076


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