Important notes. Note 1: It’s crucial to adhere to the data and figures containe


Important notes.
Note 1: It’s crucial to adhere to the data and figures containe

Important notes.
Note 1: It’s crucial to adhere to the data and figures contained/provided in the PDF documents specific to your semester. You must refrain from relying on the numbers presented in the instructional videos.
Note 2:  I intentionally used higher figures in the assignment to show how each and every % figure can change $ figures.  
Note 3:  This comprehensive assignment is equivalent to a final comprehensive exam.  Please be mindful of your questions/emails.  There will be some questions that I won’t be able to respond to in order for me to be fair with every one of you.
Note 4: The last time/day of the Q&A opportunity/support for this assignment (Final cases 1 &2) is 12:30 pm on Friday, May 3, 2024.  
Note 5: Late submission penalty = 10% of the maximum score/day (Ref. Course syllabus).  
Submission Requirements (3 different files listed below)
Due Date: Friday, May 3 (Canvas only) 
One combined MS Word document (NO pdf file)
You must provide 4 paragraphs. 
Paragraph 1. Housing market (i.e., Residential Real Estate) outlook for 2024
Paragraph 2. Case 1 Recommendations (Use/utilize the summary tab from your Excel submission)          
Excel Item 1  – Case 1 (Must submit a separate Excel file for Case 1)
Excel Submission Guidelines
Must show clear work with Excel formula
Value copies are not allowed
Work should be organized in a readable manner
Utilize the comment function if necessary
Feel free to add rows/columns if necessary
Utilize colors if necessary


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