Interview Directions:  For this assignment, you will write a description of the


Interview Directions: 
For this assignment, you will write a description of the

Interview Directions: 
For this assignment, you will write a description of the job you would like to have in five to ten years. In order to compose this workplace description, you will need to interview a professional in your field. Schedule this interview as soon as possible. 
You will be creating your own list of interview questions for this professional to answer, but be sure to cover the following areas: 
who this person is 
what kind of professional has this job
what goes into the day-to-day of this job
where this job is typically located (urban, suburban, rural, international, online)
the need for this job (within the company or field or national/global context)
how one can attain this job (education and experience)
scope of the field or industry at large (changed in past 5 years, anticipated changes in the next 5, job market, etc)
and most importantly the kind of workplace writing produced on the job, how it’s produced, and why it’s produced.
Proposal/Brainstorm Directions:
This Proposal/Brainstorm will serve as a proposal for the interview report project. The final project is a report, so for this first check-in you’ll be establishing the details of your interview and sharing your plan for the interview. You’ll also be providing your plan for certain aspects of the report. You’ll submit your 3 questions for feedback, and hear back from me on an approval for your plan or suggestions for altering it.
Progress Update Directions: 
Progress Update will serve as a progress update on your interview report project. You’ll update me on things from the last check-in and provide details for your plan on the last elements of the interview report. I’ll provide minimal feedback to continue to set you on the right path for your success of the overall Interview Report project. 
Interview Report Directions: 
Once you complete the interview, you will need to sort through and make sense of the data. Then you will compose a report of your findings.
I suggest you write the abstract and introduction last. Start with methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. 
Submission Guidelines for the report
The first page of this Interview Report calls for the standard memo format. Page two is the abstract, and every heading thereafter begins its own page. The entire description is single-spaced. The best descriptions are the ones with the most insightful Discussion and clear Conclusion.
The following is a breakdown of the report and the headers used in the workplace description.
In 100 words or less, provides the purpose, results, and conclusion of the report.
Introduces the subject, the company, subject’s role and experience in the role. Also introduces the purpose of the report.
Details the method of data collection (in this case, interviewing) and through which medium (face-to-face, phone, video chat, email, a combination). (Do not list your questions here; provide them in the Appendix.) Explain how this method fulfills the purpose of the report.
Provides the data collected. Organize the data around patterns and themes. Do not interpret the data; instead, lay them out objectively. (Do not give a transcript of the interview. Again, organize the answers around connections you see.)
Interpret the data. Draw meanings out of the patterns and themes. Reflect on and make sense out of the data. (This will be your longest section.)
Solidify and summarize the takeaways of this study. Be clear and concise.
Provide the list of interview questions used.


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