****this assignment has 2 parts a powerpoint 1 slide and an infographic (1 page)


****this assignment has 2 parts a powerpoint 1 slide and an infographic (1 page)

****this assignment has 2 parts a powerpoint 1 slide and an infographic (1 page) ***
****the course is educational psychology ****
First Step: Determine your audience
You get to determine who I am as a student. (e.g. I can be a 2 y/o in your pre-school class, a 13 y/o in your 8th grade class, a college student, an 8 y/o old student with with autism, etc….you get to create my student profile). Be detailed! 10pts
Second Step: Determine your content
You decide what you would like for me to learn (e.g. maybe you want me to know multiplication tables, or how to interact with diverse students, or ways to understand the branches of government, or a topic you have learned in this class…you pick). 15pts
Third Step: Determine your instructional method
You determine how I might best learn what you hope to teach me based on what you now know about how I learn. This means you will likely consider:
-developmental considerations (each chapter had a nice chart with developmental trends that should be helpful)
-theoretical approaches (e.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kholberg)
-instructional strategies & approach
Explain your thought process behind the instructional method you select and what factors you took in to consideration. 25pts
Part Two of your Final Assessment will give you a chance to highlight something you learned by creating your own infographic. You can choose to highlight a particular chapter, you could choose one topic we covered that is of interest, or a combination of topics/chapters. 
Infographics are visual representations of information. They can include numbers, text, images, or any combination of the three. Infographics provide authors with a quick way to convey a lot of information and readers with a quick way (and engaging) way to consume the information. 


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