Compare and contrast the definition of love in two different texts from our syll


Compare and contrast the definition of love in two different texts from our syll

Compare and contrast the definition of love in two different texts from our syllabus. If you are using poetry, choose two full poems, or four fragments. How does each author represent love? Do they have a complicated or simple understanding of it? Is their definition of love connected to the historical or cultural context(s) from which each author comes?
You’ll notice immediately that you must work with two different texts to be credited for this assignment. All ‘texts’ must come from our class syllabus. 
You will be asked to work towards this essay in multiple components: choice of prompt/project, detailed outline, first draft, two in-person workshops, and a final draft. 
These essays require research, i.e. engagement with a secondary source or two. 
Do NOT use the following sources:
Encyclopedia Britannica
Any blog
Another poem, play, prose piece, or novel
Anything that summarizes your chosen text(s)
Anything that verbatim ‘confirms’ or repeats your argument.
Actually relevant to your topic.
Peer-Reviewed; from a nonfiction anthology, a peer-reviewed journal, or a newspaper article with citations and research within it.
Analytic; offer the author’s interpretation or opinion, and backed up by outside research. 
All essays must employ MLA style citations and bibliographies
Try doing in books “Fragments of Sappho and John Donne


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