I need an essay wrote about how these 10 assignments (attached in a word documne


I need an essay wrote about how these 10 assignments (attached in a word documne

I need an essay wrote about how these 10 assignments (attached in a word documnet) demonstrate that I have accomplished all tasks with in this semester while answering these questions:
What have you learned about yourself as a writer?
What parts of the writing process are easy for you? 
What parts are challenging? 
What do you want to do differently the next time you write? 
Can you identify two or three decisions you made that were successful? 
Can you identify two or three pieces of feedback that helped you revise? 
What did you learn from the feedback? 
What lessons have you learned about writing? 
How will you transfer these lessons to your next writing assignment?
I also need to separate my interest in topic from my skill in writing


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