Goldenberg argues that a lack of trust in science is the appropriate diagnosis f


Goldenberg argues that a lack of trust in science is the appropriate diagnosis f

Goldenberg argues that a lack of trust in science is the appropriate diagnosis for an increase in vaccine hesitancy. In Chapter 5 and the Conclusion, she motivates this thesis from many angles:
By comparing this diagnosis with what she thinks are worse alternative diagnoses such as a lack of scientific literacy, cognitive biases, or anti-expertise attitudes.
By considering the sources of this distrust and in what ways they correlate with the rise in vaccine hesitancy.
By outlining the pathways forward to address distrust and how those pathways might lead to many benefits beyond shifting the attitudes of vaccine skeptics.
Which part of her argument(s) made you think about vaccine hesitancy in a different way? Why? 
Identify one part or quotation from the reading that made you reconsider something you believe about science, about vaccine hesitancy, or about the moral obligations that scientists have to the public.


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