This video is long so the assignment is worth more points than usual. Write a 2-


This video is long so the assignment is worth more points than usual. Write a 2-

This video is long so the assignment is worth more points than usual. Write a 2-3 page paper on the following information.
Watch the following video and answer the questions that follow.
13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix – Bing video
1) How were Civil Rights activists portrayed in the media?
2) What was the War on drugs? How did it affect Whites and Blacks differently? Explain
3) How did politicians characterize the Black Panthers? Why do you think they did this?
4) What happened to incarceration rates as a result of the War on Drugs? What do you think would happen if we put all the money spent on incarceration on education instead?
5) What is ALEC? How does for profit prisons affect incarceration rates? Is there any reason to lower incarceration rates if corporations are benefitting from it?
6) What can be done to solve the problem of the prison industrial complex?


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