Hello ,  I have been given an opportunity to fix this assignment. I am requestin


Hello , 
I have been given an opportunity to fix this assignment. I am requestin

Hello , 
I have been given an opportunity to fix this assignment. I am requesting your review since you origninally provided it .
Here are the new instructions:
The final project consists of all the CORRECTED Mini-Projects #1, #2, #3, & #4.  Make all of the corrections based on the feedback received.  Highlight, highlight, and highlight any corrections in which you make to your mini-projects.  After you have made revisions for each area of the mini projects, write an explanation as to how and why each area is an important factor to move school performance.  
Here are the original instructions;
During this week of learning we will focus on the Social & Emotional Learning component for students.  I’m sure some are thinking why is social and emotional learning important in this data course?  This is a superb question and one that is very important to answer.  Social & emotional learning contributes to educating the whole child.  If educators focus solely on a student’s academic performance, and fail to consider the social and emotional aspect of the student, then educators are not truly addressing the student’s complete learning needs.  Studies show that addressing the social & emotional learning component of students increased their academic achievement by 11%.  This week, our data study will focus on developing social & emotional goals and strategies you will implement school wide.  An example is provided for your review.  If you have any questions, feel free to request additional guidance.  
# Goals / Objectives for Mini-Project #2 
1.  Select 3 of the 5 CASEL Social Emotional Learning Components
2. One overall goal for each social & emotional learning component
3. Two objective for each goal
4.  Multiple activities/strategy for each objective
Here is my feedback 
Grade F (50.00)
Graded on Monday, June 3, 2024, 7:41 PM
Graded by TVTerence Vinson
Feedback comments
Ms. Flowers,
You complete half of the required assignment .  The directions/instructions were very clear (see below).  You were asked to select 3 of the 5 CASEL Social Emotional Learning components NOT all 5.  Once you selected the 3 SEL components then you were asked to provide one goals for each, two objectives for each goal, and multiple activities/strategy for each objective.  You did not do what was asked.  You selected all five, provided a goal for all five, and only provided one objective.  Again, this was not the assignment requirements.  If you have any questions let me know and we can connect via zoom.  It is very important to follow the instructions and provide what is being requested.  Additionally, when possible provide stronger data sources.  You want to research survey or assessments that have proven results (research and name the surveys).  This teachers locate and utilize the resource(s) provided.  
# Goals / Objectives for Mini-Project #2 
1.  Select 3 of the 5 CASEL Social Emotional Learning Components
2. One overall goal for each social & emotional learning component
3. Two objective for each goal
4.  Multiple activities/strategy for each objective


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