Throughout this course, we’ve been investigating the concept of truth. What is t


Throughout this course, we’ve been investigating the concept of truth. What is t

Throughout this course, we’ve been investigating the concept of truth. What is truth? Through early and contemporary texts that examine how individuals seek and record the truth through the perspectives of various disciplines, we’ve come to better understand how people define this concept.
Your goal is to answer the question, “How does individual perception and belief shape our understanding of the truth? It’s time to reflect on everything we’ve learned in this course, and in 6-8 double spaced pages, use the texts we explored to make your argument.
To do this, you may draw on our lectures, readings, and/or outside (but reputable) sources tomake your point. Your paper should be well researched and adhere  to APA style in both format (APA formatted, 12-point font, Times New Roman or similar) and referencing.
You must mention each of our core readings, including:
 True History by Lucian of Samosata
 Select readings from Tattvartha Sutra (Jainism), Buddhist texts and Vedas (Hinduism) –
it’s fine to use just one of these.
 Jacques Cartier and His Four Voyages to Canada
 Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in Silicon Valley by John Carreyrou – this should be used
heavily as we have not yet discussed this in an assignment.


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