Read chapter 4 in Chang, HJ. (2014) Economics the user’s guide, available via th


Read chapter
4 in Chang, HJ. (2014) Economics the user’s guide, available via th

Read chapter
4 in Chang, HJ. (2014) Economics the user’s guide, available via the UWE
library: . Based
on your reading of chapter 4 in Chang, HJ. (2014) Economics the user’s guide,
choose two (2) schools of thought to critically review, compare, and evaluate.
limit: 1,000 words.
Marks for
this answer: 50 marks
Please reference at
least Chang, HJ. (2014) Economics the user’s guide in your answer.
Summarise feminist
economics and what it contributes to your understandings of inequalities.
limit: 500 words.
Marks for
this answer: 25 marks
Please use at least 1
(one) academic reference in your answer.
Summarise dependency
theory and what it contributes to your understandings of global capitalism. 
limit: 500 words.
Marks for
this answer: 25 marks
Please use at least 1
(one) academic reference in your answer.
You are expected to demonstrate
clear understandings and study and citing of relevant concepts, literatures,
and materials, and where relevant, data/evidence/figures, relating to the
questions and topics under consideration. 
Please use Calibri or
Arial font, 11 or 12 font size, and 1.5 point spacing.
The following criteria will be used in evaluating this assessment:
1. ability to engage with the questions/topics
2. clear evidence of close study of relevant materials
3. clear evidence of understandings of key
4. effective use of English, academic writing, and
clarity of expression
5. appropriate referencing of sources and a references
list using Harvard referencing
use of appropriate data/evidence/figures, where
6. critical analysis/critical
thinking/critical evaluation. 
Please note I will provide you with the rest of the readings and topics to write the essay from. 


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