I need someone to help me with creating points for the speech I need to do. I ha


I need someone to help me with creating points for the speech I need to do. I ha

I need someone to help me with creating points for the speech I need to do. I have the outline done which I will attach for you to use. I have also attached the assignment that is needed to be done. I just need to know what to put on the flash cards when I am speaking so if you could note flas card 1: etc, I just am having trouble with what I need to say. The speech needs to fun for 5 minutes 
this is also what the teacher wrote about my outline if you could help me make changes through the notes(ive inerested it after this… Interesting topic.  A lot of this info is too vague and I cannot tell what the audience is learning. That needs to be clear. What are they gaining or learning through the speech?
I think you need to define what schooling you refer to – public schools? K-12 schools. I don’t think you mean colleges. 
You need source information throughout the speech outline – you need “according to. . . ” you need to include research orally throughout the entire speech to boost your credibility. 
Are there schools that do not have good outcomes because they don’t have rules or don’t enforce the rules?  If so, use them as examples of what can happen. 
What is the benefit to the audience with this speech? What information are you hoping they take away after viewing the speech? 


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