For this Discussion, you will examine central tendency and variability based on


For this Discussion, you will examine central tendency and variability based on

For this Discussion, you will examine central tendency and variability based on two separate variables. Based on the data results, you will also explore the implications for positive social change. 
From the General Social Survey dataset found in this week’s Learning Resources, choose one continuous and one categorical variable. As you review, consider the implications for positive social change based on the results of your data.
Post, present, and report a descriptive analysis for your variables, explicitly noting the following:
For your continuous variable:
Report the mean, median, and mode.
What might be the better measure for central tendency? (i.e., mean, median, or mode) and why?
Report the standard deviation.
How variable are the data?
How would you describe this data?
What sort of research question would this variable help answer that might inform social change?
Post the following information for your categorical variable:
A frequency distribution.
An appropriate measure of variation.
How variable are the data?
How would you describe this data?
What sort of research question would this variable help answer that might inform social change?
I have included course references for you.


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