Exercise ethical decision-making, informed by the Catholic Franciscan tradition,


Exercise ethical decision-making, informed by the Catholic Franciscan tradition,

Exercise ethical decision-making, informed by the Catholic Franciscan tradition, in a variety of settings
Core Signature Assignment (CSA) 
·       Write an essay or produce a video that follows the instructions below.
·       The essay will be graded according to the rubric we have been using throughout the semester.
STEP 1: Pick a Case
·       Pick a case that contains an interesting ethical dilemma or question or issue. You could develop your case study from a story found in the news, an ethical dilemma you may have studied in another course, a personal experience or from a case study that we have examined in this class. Explain the case and what ethical issues are present within it.
–       Use a Catholic-Franciscan approach to assess whether we ought to promote or critique the American Dream. 
STEP 2: Catholic Requirement
Your essay should include one of the figures/traditions we have studied that are relevant to the Catholic-Franciscan ethical thought. Those figures/traditions are Natural Law or Francis.
·       Natural Law
o   John Mizzoni’s Catholic Franciscan Ethics (CF) – “Natural Law/Medieval Catholic Ethics” – 29-44 (focusing on 34-42).
o   John Mizzoni’s Ethics: The Basics – “Natural Law Ethics” – 42-60
·       Francis – John Mizzoni’s Catholic Franciscan Ethics (CF) – (67-84)
I have attached the rubriv and also an outline you can follow. Feel free to include things and also work outside the outline but not too far out.


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