Objectives:  To explore the effects of entertainment and other media on attitude


To explore the effects of entertainment and other media on attitude

To explore the effects of entertainment and other media on attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
Apply critical thinking to evaluate the influence of context and assumptions on an issue and assess the implications and consequences of particular conclusions.
The omnipresence of media in our lives makes it imperative that we, as individuals and a society, understand the ways in which media shapes our beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and even our perceptions of reality.
Make sure you have read the section on “Parasocial Relationships” in Chapter 20, “Media Entertainment,” of The Handbook of Communication Science (2nd ed.), before you tackle this activity. Then, carefully consider the following:
A. Identify a character in a broadcast or cable television, or episodic streaming show with whom you have developed (in the past or present) a parasocial relationship. Remember, this person can be “real” or a character role.
B. Write a 1–2 page paper (about 500 words), double-spaced essay that explains why you find this character/person compelling. Include answers to the following questions:
How do you “know” or how do you or someone you know view this character outside of their role on the show? Have they influenced you or someone you know in any way besides the aspect of entertainment? Explain.
What is the emotional attachment you or someone you know have to the character or person? Has this character or person disappointed you or someone you know? Motivated either of you? How and why?   
(Note: If you do not watch broadcast or cable television or episodic streaming shows, you can consider a character/person/influencer from a book, video game, graphic novel, vlog, tutorial, podcast, YouTube, or any other form of mass media.)  
A thoughtful, thorough 1-2 page (about 500 words), double-spaced, essay in 12-point, Times Roman or similar serif font, with all the basic components for a beginning, middle, and end.
The first paragraph should contain a thesis that introduces your main idea or position on the question posed to you in the assignment prompt. What is the point you intend to make in your answer?
The middle paragraphs should provide information, examples, and details to support your main idea or position. This is where you should show use because statements and detail what you know or think about the topic.
The final paragraph should sum up your main idea or position on the topic. 
Support your comments with relevant information that you researched in the course’s learning resources.
Use APA-style in-text citations to cite the sources of the information that you used in assembling ideas for your argument. 
Create a matching APA reference list at the end of the document. 
(make sure Turnitin Score is 20% or below for all assignments; otherwise, revisions will have to be made before grading).
Since you will need to provide evidence from the show that you watched, you will have to provide a reference for the show. Some sample APA-style references that you may need for this discussion question are below. Consult our library’s tutorial page or the Purdue OWL link on Page 2 of our Course Resources for guidance on reference formats for other kinds of motion media.
The APA-style reference format for a film or video is:
Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Film]. Production company. 
Lloyd, P. (Director). (2008). Mamma Mia! [Film]. Universal Pictures.  
The APA-style format for a reference to a TV series is:
Executive Producer, P. P. (Executive Producer). (Date range of release). Title of series [TV series]. Production company(s).
Sherman-Palladino, A., Palladino, D. (Executive Producers). (2017-present). The marvelous Mrs. Maisel [TV series]. Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions; Picrow, Amazon Studios
The APA-style format for a reference to a TV series episode is:
Writer, W. W. (Writer), & Director, D. D. (Director). (Original air date). Title of episode (Season number, Episode number) [TV series episode]. In P. Executive Producer (Executive Producer), Series title. Production company(s). 
Korsh, A. (Writer & Director). (2019, September 25). One last con (Season 9, Episode 10) [TV series episode]. In D. Liman & D. Bartis (Executive Producers), Suits. Untitled Korsh Company; Universal Content Productions; Open 4 Business Productions. 
The APA-style format for a reference to a YouTube video is:
Person or group who uploaded video. (Date of publication). Title of video [Video]. Website host. URL 
Tasty. (2018, March 7). 7 recipes you can make in 5 minutes [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_5wHw6l11o 
Chapter 20: https://sk-sagepub-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/reference/hdbk_commsci/n20.xml


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