Objective: Prepare a plan for ensuring ongoing self-directed learning.


Objective: Prepare a plan for ensuring ongoing self-directed learning.

Objective: Prepare a plan for ensuring ongoing self-directed learning. Instructions No matter what your career path once you graduate, your professional and personal success will depend on how adept you are at navigating rapidly changing environments. Who knows how the world will have changed in 2030? College or university is only for a few years. The most important learning you can realize is not the specifics of a certain program, but the skill of “how to learn” and the conviction that you will go throughout life with a self-directed learning mindset.
Review this sources exercise.
Write a 1-2 page paper that addresses the following points.
Examine the importance of a life-long learning mindset.
Develop a specific plan for how you will keep current in your chosen field and your related interests.
Set up your paper in APA manuscript style and include APA documentation style if you reference any outside sources.
My interest and career path would revolve around sports management and becoming a social media advertiser.


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