Explain how experimental archaeology projects inform our understanding the past


Explain how experimental archaeology projects inform our understanding the past

Explain how experimental archaeology projects inform our understanding the past
I just need this go be written in paragraphs that I could insert into a canva digital poster
the result for the hypothesis was also that I was able to safely cook the meat
1. Introduction/Background:
Briefly explain what you did in this activity. Imagine you are describing the experiment you completed to someone outside of our class–how would you describe experimental archaeology and how your activity is connected to the past?
In-text citations in APA format are required for the ideas you discuss in this section; anything not considered common knowledge requires in-text citations and reference entries. *You should have some ideas that are not common knowledge in this background section*
2. Hypothesis:
This was the testable statement you used to structure your hands-on experiment.
3. Materials/Methods:
Explain how you set up the hands-on part of your experiment. What materials did you use and how/where did you obtain them?
4. Data/Results:
In this section you explain the data you obtained and if your hypothesis is upheld or falsified (did the explanation hold up after your experiment? or does it not make sense after actually experiencing the technology firsthand?). It doesn’t matter if your hypothesis is upheld or not (that is merely a tool for inquiry); for this section you will be graded on how well you explain the results of your experiment and how it related to your hypothesis.
5. Discussion/Conclusion:
By now the reader should know about your topic, what you hoped to learn, how you conducted your experiment, what you discovered, and whether or not your hypothesis made sense after doing the hands-on portion of your experiment. The discussion and conclusion section should be for your final thoughts, exploring what you might have done differently, and what you might want to explore in the future. What aspects of your project did you consider “authentic” to the past, and what aspects might not have been? You might also explore other things you learned from the experience that were not directly captured by the hypothesis you tested.
6. Reference Entries
Include full reference entries, in alphabetical order, in APA formatting, for all cited resources. Remember you need at least 2 academic/scholarly sources to meet the minimum requirement.
7. Images/Figures/Graphics
Your poster should have a minimum of 3 substantial images/figures. Included photos should be ones YOU took while completing your experiment (or that a friend or family member took of you), which showcase that you actually completed the hands-on part of the experiment. Images taken off the internet or generated using AI that are not properly cited (to give credit to the original source) will be considered academic dishonesty.
8. Formatting
Is your poster organized and easy to read? Is it attractive and eye-catching?
this is the instructions an I already have a outline for these as well a feedback from the profesor on what she felt need to be improved


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