Your papers should run about 5-6 pages, including tables and charts.  They shoul


Your papers should run about 5-6 pages, including tables and charts.  They shoul

Your papers should run about 5-6 pages, including tables and charts.  They should be structured as what are called policy-briefs or issue-briefs.  These are short, succinct issue-centered papers that maintain a strong focus on providing factual information and advocating policy positions.  They are written by legislative staff, non-profit advocacy groups, think tanks and lobbyists and are intended to be useful to busy policy-makers trying to understand a topic and make a decision.  
Papers are due on May 10.  You are welcome to hand in an earlier draft for feedback and comments.  Note that it is sometimes harder to write a short paper than a long paper.  You might start by writing something longer, submitting a draft, then paring it down and editing for succinctness.  
Papers must include a bibliography.  You must have at least three sources besides those assigned for the class.  If you have questions about where to find information, please ask.  There are extensive resources on historical and current state and local revenues and spending 
topic Should MA provide free college education (for everyone/every students )?


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