Your assignment is to come up with a policy of how to deal with the immigrant si


Your assignment is to come up with a policy of how to deal with the immigrant si

Your assignment is to come up with a policy of how to deal with the immigrant situation at our Southern border.
Who do we let in?
How many do we let in?
What do we do with the people when they first show up at the border- some argue we keep them in facilities until we know they’re not coming in for possibly bad reasons.  Some say we shouldn’t detain anyone because it’s inhumane.  We’ve seen pictures of kids in what looks like cages while they are being processed to make sure they’re with their parents and not being smuggled in for possibly bad reasons (sex trafficking).  
This issue is a very difficult one and will require some thought.  Look for resources online but I want your answer to be your answer not just a copy/paste of something you found online.
After coming up with your answer, show how your answer fits into or disagrees with the three theories from the Chapter four Matrix.  Consequentialism, Deontology or Virtue Theory


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