Case- 1. An introd


1. An introd

1. An introduction identifying the ethical and/or legal issues related to this case (for instance, informed consent, fiduciary requirements, beneficence, patient autonomy, etc),
2. Analysis of the key points and outcome of the case
3. . Legal and ethical concerns: Correlate the impact of legal and ethical considerations from previous course learning on this case.
4. A conclusion summarizing the outcomes and impact on laws related to the health industry.
Each summary and description should ~  two typed double-spaced pages. Your assignment should be prepared in APA style, including citations and section headings
Clearly identifies and summarizes main issues and successfully explains
why/how they are problems or questions; and identifies embedded or
implicit issues, addressing their relationships to each other
Background, key points of contention, values of those involved, standards
of practice, environmental factors are addressed)
Substantial, logical, & concrete development of ideas. Assumptions are
made explicit.
Association to consumer and patient rights legislation or healthcare law is
clear and presented with sufficient detail to support a conclusion.
Association to ethics and duties in healthcare is made, details support the
5 pts
Evidence is relevant, accurate, complete, well integrated, well documented,
and appropriate for the purpose of the analysis. This area will be used by the
5 pts
Conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) are
logical and reflect student’s informed evaluation. This area will be used by the


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