Edit the Evaluation Essay pdf attached to meet the goal/instruction of the assig


Edit the Evaluation Essay pdf attached to meet the goal/instruction of the assig

Edit the Evaluation Essay pdf attached to meet the goal/instruction of the assignment.
Edit the support and rewrite in showing the observation and experience with the topic. Starting paragraphs with clear topic sentence with clear rating and adding zoom ins that describe actual experience watching the show. Make it very detailed, Zoo. In, what have you experienced or observed. Make the essay interesting for readers and make it detailed so that readers feels like they are with you or experiencing the experience you had. 
Edit the essay to meet this criteria and please refer to other pdf attached.
Major criteria:
The writer presents a clear, convincing evaluation of the topic’s quality based on criteria that match the interests of target readers.
The writer gives detailed examples that show how the evaluation came about, including personal testimony and comparisons when appropriate.
Other criteria:
The writer shows that he or she is an “expert” in the evaluation category. 
The writer persuades the reader to act on the evaluation.
The title is evocative. 
Sentences are clear and varied in style.
Paragraphs are unified and coherent with effective transitions.
The format is correct.
The essay is free of proofreading errors.
However, if you have any new topic to make it easier or have a better essay to meet the assignments goal, that is fine. Please review the pdf attached.


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