Act 2 features a lot of stage time for Polonius, beginning as it does, with the


Act 2 features a lot of stage time for Polonius, beginning as it does, with the

Act 2 features a lot of stage time for Polonius, beginning as it does, with the corrupt transaction with his “spy,” and ending with his decision to use his daughter as “bait” to trap Hamlet.  What do you make of this guy, the powerful Lord Chamberlain and Councillor to the throne of Denmark?  If his name is deliberately derived from the Latin “Polonia,” for “Poland,” and knowing that King Hamlet defeated Poland militarily, how do we see his obsequious service to the Claudius.  What survival strategies does he adopt?   If Ophelia will be bait to trap Hamlet, so too are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, hired by the King and Queen.  Horatio would seem to be the only honest man, and the only true friend Hamlet has.  How do we see him develop from Act 1 to Act 2?  Again, these questions are just some thoughts to think about.  The journal is a place for your thoughts to roam freely. 


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