Primary Research: Survey Questions created in Question Pro here to give access t


Primary Research: Survey Questions created in Question Pro here to give access t

Primary Research: Survey Questions created in Question Pro here to give access to your classmates
Upload the survey by Monday-Tuesday this week. Use Question Pro and attach the link for your classmates to open and complete by next Tuesday-Wednesday at the latest. All students should complete responding to all classmates.
Design Questions for a Survey: Create ten questions (9 closed-ended; and one open-ended) for a survey on your four research questions. You will use, an online survey website whose basic features are free of cost.
Include a quick description of the title and the four research questions (limited space in the description survey link)—this is so that you can center your reader when taking the survey.
Provide a link to your survey under a threaded discussion for your classmates to take and review the results. You should be able to incorporate your results into your Local Fieldwork as part of your primary research. Copy and paste the link directly into the threaded discussion, and make sure the link works.


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