Our course final will be to write a critical reflection essay that considers wha


Our course final will be to write a critical reflection essay that considers wha

Our course final will be to write a critical reflection essay that considers what you’ve learned in the course, how you have applied or think you will apply what you’ve learned, and what future impact(s) you believe this material may have for you or others. You may write up to 5 pages (minimum = 3 pages, maximum = 5 pages) to address the questions below, which translates to 750-1250 words. Please stay within this word count. I highly suggest writing in a word processing program so you can easily save and edit, and then once you are finished copy and paste your work into the provided text box. 
Quality is more important than quantity. Please remember that this is not a place to argue (explicitly or implicitly) why you should receive a particular grade but is rather a time for an honest assessment of your learning. I also welcome your feedback on the course, but this is not the place to say how you think it should have been taught. Rather it is a place to consider your own learning, what worked, and what you would change next time. Such true engagement with your learning process will necessarily receive a higher score than saying why you should receive an “A,” because it will follow the assignment instructions.
As always, please feel free and encouraged to consult the writing center.
Topics to address:
(You may use these as subheadings if you wish, but this should be an essay in paragraph form and the quality, grammar, and spelling of your writing do count.)
1. Describe how your knowledge of documentary genres – and the way they tell stories – has developed over the span of this course.
2. How did the class activities (readings, lectures, intro exercises, discussions, making small docs) contribute to your learning?
3. Looking back over this semester, what would you have done differently for this course?
4. How would you assess your role(s) as both a viewer and maker of documentary as compared to before taking this class?
5. What are the ways that you have already begun applying what you have learned in this class? How do you think that you and others may benefit in the future from your learning in this class?
Please feel free to address any other questions or observations regarding the course that would you like to add!
*I will link multiple different assignments that I have worked on over the semester so you have an    idea of what you can write about.


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