To prepare for this assignment: Review Chapter 17 in your course text, Crisis In


To prepare for this assignment:
Review Chapter 17 in your course text, Crisis In

To prepare for this assignment:
Review Chapter 17 in your course text, Crisis Intervention Strategies,
focusing on systems overviews and the Principles of a Crisis
Intervention Ecosystem. Consider the value of ongoing plan evaluation.
Review the Appendix and Chapters 5 and 9 in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, focusing on organizational learning and evaluation of crisis management plans.
Review the article, “Program Evaluation: The Accountability Bridge
Model for Counselors.” Consider how counselors can use program
evaluation to enhance accountability to stakeholders.
Review recent crises and/or disasters online and think about what can be learned about crisis management from them.
The assignment:
Provide an analysis of the role and value of evaluation as part of a
crisis management plan. Provide specific examples to illustrate your
Please utilize 2 of these resoureces and one you find that isn’t listed
Links to an external site.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from
Chapter 5 Summary
James, R. K. & Gilliland, B.E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 
Chapter 17 (for review)
Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape
Appendix, “Sample Outline of Items to Include in the Crisis Management Plan”
Chapter 5, “Forming the Crisis Management Team and Writing the Plan”
Chapter 9, “The Importance of Organizational Learning”
Astramovich, R. L, & Coker, J. K. (2007). Program evaluation: The accountability bridge model for counselors
Links to an external site.. Journal of Counseling and Development, 85(2), 162-172.
Crepeau-Hobson, M. F., Filaccio, M. L., & Gottfried, L. (2005). Violence prevention after Columbine: A survey of high school mental health professionals
Links to an external site.. Children and Schools, 27(3), 157-165.  
Lusky, M. B., & Hayes, R. L. (2001). Collaborative consultation and program evaluation
Links to an external site.. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79(1), 26-38.
Office of Governor Haley Barbour. (2010). Five Years After Katrina: Progress Report On Recovery, Rebuilding and Renewal
Links to an external site.. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine (Eds.). (2006). Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
Links to an external site.. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine (Eds.). (2006). Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions
Links to an external site.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine (Eds.). (2006). Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions
Links to an external site.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from
Chapter 3 Summary
Institute of Medicine (Eds.). (2006).Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
Links to an external site.. Retrieved from
Chapter 4 Summary
Institute of Medicine (Eds.). (2006). Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions


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