First, read the article “Why Do Human Beings Do Good Things? The Puzzle of Altru


First, read the article “Why Do Human Beings Do Good Things? The Puzzle of Altru

First, read the article “Why Do Human Beings Do Good Things? The Puzzle of Altruism”. In this article, Steve Taylor argues that people are capable of “pure” altruism, meaning that they are not motivated by any selfishness. The word ALTRUISM means being unselfish and concerned for others even when it may hurt us or not be in our own best interest.
Second, read the short story “A&P” by John Updike. In his story, John Updike writes about a young man who takes a stand. Is it altruism? 
Third, think about this prompt.
Using examples from BOTH texts respond to the following: 
Do you agree with Steve Taylor’s argument that there is such a thing as “pure” altruism? 
Do you think the narrator’s actions in John Updike’s “A&P” are an example of pure altruism or is the narrator acting selfishly for his own benefit?
Be sure to include evidence from both texts to support your claims. 


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