Respond to at least two of your colleagues. Address at least one of the follo


Respond to at least two of your colleagues. Address at least one of the following in your response: 
Explain how public opinion can be influenced or shaped to help address the problems identified by your colleagues. 
Suggest policy advocacy approaches and skills your colleagues can use to address the problems with political leaders. 
Comment on the social justice implications of the approach(s) your colleagues proposed. 
The social problem I want to discuss is Elderly abuse.
How does public opinion influence political approaches to the problem of? Explain.   According to (Jansson, 2018) Bureaucrats are also vulnerable to public opinion because scandals or unpopular decisions can ruin the careers of political appointees and civil servants.23 Legislators often try to implement programs in ways that will please their constituents, as illustrated by politicians who oppose placing mental health facilities and prisons in their districts.24.
Public opinion plays a serious role in shaping political approaches to elder abuse. When the public becomes more aware of elder abuse, it can lead to greater pressure on policymakers. Advocacy groups use public opinion to push for legislation, funding, and policy changes. Public opinion highlights the need for comprehensive approaches to elder abuse and can lead to greater access to resources for prevention and intervention programs. It also contributes to cultural changes that promote respect for older adults and reduce the risk of elder abuse. Overall, public opinion is a catalyst for political action and support for effective policies. Hinrichsen et al. (2010)
What policy advocacy approaches and skills can you use to address the problem with political leaders?  Addressing elder abuse through policy advocacy requires forming alliances, utilizing media to raise awareness, engaging in direct lobbying efforts, participating in legislative hearings, mobilizing community members, and gathering data. It’s important to build relationships with key stakeholders, create a strategic advocacy plan, and be culturally sensitive. Stay persistent and resilient in advocacy efforts to effectively advocate for policies that protect older adults from abuse and improve their overall well-being.
What are the social justice implications of your approach?  
Addressing elder abuse through policy advocacy has significant social justice implications. This includes ensuring that all older adults have access to resources and legal protections, giving them a voice in policymaking, and providing advocacy training. It also involves focusing on vulnerable populations and developing inclusive policies, ensuring dignity, respect, and protection from harm for older adults, strengthening support networks, raising public awareness, upholding professional ethics, and advocating for systemic changes to address the root causes of elder abuse
My chosen social problem is related to the Indian Child Welfare Policy enacted in 1978 which aims “to protect the best interest of Indian Children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families by establishing minimum Federal standards for the removal of Indian Children and placement” (25 U.S. C. 1902) (Indian Child Welfare Act, 1978).
How does public opinion influence political approaches to the problem? Explain.  
Public opinion helped initiate the new policy due to the “rising concern” over the large number of children being removed to non-Native foster families with no familiarity with traditions or beliefs and placed in harmful environments. In addition, a downfall to the implemented policy and public opinion says the law is racially discriminatory and limits children from being adopted to well-qualified extended family members and safeguarding them from cultural genocide. This leads to disconnection from the native culture, heritage, and family ties, so the problem remains: when is it ok to remove children from their nationality and be placed up for adoption by non-native families (Johnson, 1981)?
What policy advocacy approaches and skills can you use to address the problem with political leaders?  
In order to address the inconsistencies and assist families in keeping their children within their tribal nations, it will take dedication and advocacy to uphold The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. In addition, providing increased awareness of the implications of removing the children from tribal nations, increased foster parent training for native Americans to maintain children on tribal land, and implemented public speaking with family examples of the long-lasting effects of removing the children (Johnson, 1981).   
What are the social justice implications of your approach? 
The implications of the chosen approaches can lead to lengthy court battles to uphold ICWA policies, a lack of Native Americans willing to undergo rigorous investigations, the required criteria to become a licensed foster parent, the dedicated time it takes to complete courses to prove a stable, safe environment free from criminal histories, and proper supporting agencies locally willing to work with families in remote locations (Chodura et al., 2021).


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