The lecture this week describes how Security-as-a-Service has been developed an


The lecture this week describes how Security-as-a-Service has been
developed an

The lecture this week describes how Security-as-a-Service has been
developed and is gaining popularity as a business model. This is
especially true for larger enterprises. The lecture focuses primarily
upon the forensic opportunities that SECaaS provides. This week, your
assignment is to research one of the other SECaaS opportunities
available (i.e., SIEM, SOAR, IDS, IPS, authentication, etc.) and prepare
a paper covering the aspects of this opportunity. Provide details
regarding how this Cloud-based solution can improve the overall cyber
security position of the enterprise. This may be cost or resource
savings, improved counterthreat position, reporting, management, etc.
Include the fundamentals of how the framework / model for your selected
solution would work and how it might integrate into the existing
enterprise overall cybersecurity position. What are some of the vendors
currently providing this service?


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